Friday 30 September 2011

piCture pOlish Giveaway - Winner!

We have our winner, and a big gratzies to Guy Polish (Jim) for winning the three piCture pOlish own polishes of the colour of his choice!  

Thankyou to all who entered and for all the lovely comments on the entries, and remember theres always next time :)


bosmikal said...

yay jim!!!

bosmikal said...
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Unknown said...

Congratu;ations JIM!!!
I can't wait to see your swatches!

Stella Lee said...
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Blingernails said...

The comment I deleted was nothing bad :) I just removed a post of someone promoting their own blog and giveaway, which in itself isn't generally a problem. I prefer that someone email me instead and I will follow and add to my blog roll but hey shit happens but I removed the comment because the cheeky mare wasn't even a follower of my blog, pfft! Cheeky that don't you think!

ANYWAY! YAY gratz to Jim, he has claimed hi prize now and his polished has been ordered :)

Guy Polish (Jim) said...

Thank you for having the giveaway. I will definitely blog pictures of the polishes.

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